Saturday 1 June 2013

Criticize my Oral resentation

I like a lot my oral presentation becase I think that the issue is so good for talk about a social topic, the war a think that hurt and noone stop it. It is the human logic. 
Of course like in all my oral presentations I feel nervous and this destroy my pronutiation that's no good for my mark. Also I don't move myself I'm like a stick in front of the class. Although this I think that it was the best oral presentation of the year because if you compare the others with this, this is magical and the other are horrible.
This oral presentation make me think about my actions or my think about teh human logic, why it was wars? I don't understand it. The only things that the war produce are bad thing: hunger, dead, hurt people. A lot of damage. We can stop it we need to stop this for the humanity.

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