Sunday, 1 December 2013

WhatsApp overtakes Facebook as leading mobile messaging service

A study furfilled about social networks, smartphones and chat apps. In this study we can see that whattsapp overtakes Facebook and all the other kind of message apps. Whattsapp users do 20 billion messages per day, the double from Facebook. For example Facebook have more users but Whattsapp are increasing everyday and their users send message every minute. Also Whattsapp is doing important updates and it afect on the users, for example the voice recording.

In my opinion Whattsapp is faster and more confortable to use than Facebook. Whattsapp for the young people is too atractive and we spend a lot of time with it. Nowadays we can't live without mobile and we are being bomb from apps, messages upsates and a lot of other things in the mobile phone that the only thing they do is to spend our time.

source: fuente

launch: lanzar

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