Sunday 18 May 2014

Final post...Autoavalution

In these two years I did a lot of post but I think that my mood afects a lot on my way to write because when I have a bad situation or I'm sad I don't feel good to write. In my opinion the last year I work more and I spend more time in the blog for that reason I can see larger posts and better posts the last year than this year. Also I think that the last year I was more active and this year when think that I have to do the blog I think that I'm tired and lazy and I did it always the last day before the deadline.

I have one post that I think that is the best of these to years. This post is about San Antonio the city where plays my favourite basketball team the San Antonio Spurs. The post is that one:

Also I have a post that I think that is the worst post that I did. It was a task of this last term. It's the formal letter I hate this post is horrible.

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