Saturday 24 November 2012

Adrian Mole vs Thirteen

 The secret diary of Adrian Mole is a book what talk about an adolescence of Adrian Mole a good boy who helps his father and his mother with the divorced. Also he had a girlfriend with a good and romantic relationship. This history sometimes is funny but the majority of the book it’s so boring because in my opinion is the history of an angel boy that don’t do anything. This is one of the extreme, the angel extreme.

The other extreme, the devil extreme, is thirteen. This film treats about one girl that started the high school and met the popular people then she left her friends for new popular friends. She, Trace knew Evie her new best friend with they did a piercing, had drugs, drunk alcohol, cut her veins, hit their selves, had boyfriends only for sex without love and disobeying their parents. This is a hard film to see but some teenagers chose that type life.

In my opinion the Adrian’s life is too boring and the Trace life is too mad. I don’t like either of these types of adolescence, I think that the best teenager is an average of these two extreme.

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