Wednesday 29 May 2013

NBA 2013 Finals

In May of 2013 the San Antonio Spurs win a post on the NBA finals. This team get it wining four matches to  Marc Gasol team, the Memphis Grizzilies who after  one of best season of their history lost enormously versus the good team of San Antonio. Six years ago the San Antonio won the NBA ring and they have a lot of appetite to return at the Finals.

In the other conference the semifinals are tied between Miami, the last winner, and Indiana, the revelation team of the two past years. In these two teams there some decisive players that are doing an spectacular season like Lebron James, the MVP, or Chris Andersen for Miami and Paul George, the most improve player of 2013 and Roy Hibert, the really good Jamaican center.

Well in my opinion San Antonio deserve the NBA championship because some journalists criticize the team because they are one of the most veterans teams but with players like Tim Duncan and of course Tony Parker the age is not a problem. This team always fight for their objectives and for that they can win the NBA championship.

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