Wednesday 27 November 2013

Four people reported dead after New York train derails

Today in New York on the Bronx a big train with 10 carriages derails in a very dangerous area because only 4 months ago there was another derail. 130 firefighters are helping in this area. In this accident died four people and some more are hurt in the hospital.

For me the most important question is why? Because we have the technology to avoid it and now who is the responsible of this massacre who think in the poor families that lost a member. No one, and this is the problem. We need help to lead this kind of things.

bound: atado

derail: descarrilar

due: vencer

San Antonio Spurs New Season

After one of the best seasons of the history of the San Antonio Spurs donig a very very good regular season and arriving at the finals on the playoffs. They lost the finals against the last winners, the Miami Heat where plays the beast Lebron James. After the finals some people think that the team was ruined that it was the last opportunity to win the championship. 

During the preseason a lot of journalist and people criticize them because the team have an old average of age. Then the season began and the team won 11 matches one after the other and shut up all these people that crticized them. With players like Parker, Duncan, Leonard, Ginobili or Belinelli, well the team is old but there is a lot of technical and tactical fundaments. These players, this team lead for the insatiable coach Greg Popovich have a lot chances to win the NBA championship another time, but this time it will be special because all of these players are going to dissapear from the courts in a few years and they want a final championships, to feel a nother time the feeling of be the champion.


Saturday 23 November 2013

Little part from the past

When I was 7 years old I began a new step of my life in Catalonia when I started to live with my mother, because my parents were divorced a few months ago. I had played basketball in my native city, Palencia, since I was 4 years old. When came to Castello d'Empuries I wanted to continue playing it, but it was a horrible team and preferred to start to play football.

At  first  I felt very bad because it wasn't my sport, it was football and didn't like  football. With the pass of time I began to like it and finally I love it because I played with my friends and of course I was happy with them. They were better than me but with  time I improve a lot and the difference of quality was not too excessive between then and me. I remembered that I played in a lot of positions are the beginning I was forward but my coach told me that I was a too defensive player to be a forward and I passed to be a fixed defender. The last year of my football career was difficult because I remember the feeling that it wasn't my sport I wanted to play basketball and this was exactly what I did. Suddenly I began to play basketball in the new team of the village the CB Castello and there is where I played for four years and I  still playing nowadays with my friends.

To sum up I extracted a good opinion and conclusion about these two sports I think that basketball is more modest than football and this is one of the reasons why I love it more.

Monday 18 November 2013

Special history

This is a story of something that happened to us last summer. One night while we were having a relaxing dinner in our home we were watching a documentary programme, "Callejeros Viajeros". Suddenly there was a familiar face, a man who we recognise he was our school best friend, Jose Maria. What was he doing in Hawaii?

He looked very tanned, relaxed and happy. He didn't look old although he was 41 years old. He had very long dark hair because this is typical in men of Hawaii. Also he looked handsome and strong. At that moment he was wearing Hawaiian skirt and he wasn't wearing a T-shirt. He had changed a lot because when we were children he was a very traditional boy and he was very bad at sports. Who could believe that he was Jose Maria?

We remembered when we spent the holidays together in a small town where his grandparents had a big house. We always played with animals and also every day we went to swim to the river. We were really good friends, best friends.

We were so jealous, he made his dreams reality and we were working in really bad and boring jobs. At the time we were gloomy for us and happy for him. He won a lot of money as a professional surfer, enough to buy a small luxury hotel. I and my flat mate called him and we talked for hours. Finally he invited us to the island to stay one week in his hotel to remember the old times. Jose Maria taught us abit of surfing and we spent the best holidays of our lives.

Thursday 14 November 2013


Hello teacher,

I'm Pablo Díez your new student although we met in third of ESO because you were my English classroom teacher. I was born sixteen years ago in a little city, Palencia.  For some familiar problems  when I'm seven years old I came to live in that beautiful place Catalonia. At the first moment I hated it because I thought that  I left my friends, I left my grandparents, my uncles, that I left and that's not the truth because I carry on seeing them. Also now I think that this change in my life was good for me made me stronger and I met a lot of new beautiful people in the school and a lot more in the high school. Now I'm living my life with these people and I'm enjoying my life with them.

Well, nowadays I'm coursing 2º of Batxillerat, I'm doing the technologic subjects in the INS Castelló d'Empúries. All that I want for this studies season is pass all the subjects, do a good and complete research project and of course pass the Selectivitat, I want to try all of these things this year and I now that I can and for that reason my intention to change this year is to forget my horrible lazy personality for all the things in my life. Also I know that without my girlfriend I not be focused in my studies, she help me a lot and centre me in the important things of my life and not in the bad things that hurt me.

All that I do is for my future but, who knows the future? I don't where or what will be my future but I know, if right now I struggle with my studies and I fight for my people my future will be fine. First of all the next I want to study a advanced renewable energies degree in Barcelona because I love this issue I want to work for change the world in a near future. Also in a near future I want to leave this country and go to live outside for example in London I love London and this year I begin to study third of English in the EOI Figueres because in a few years I want to have live in England for some years in my life. I want to have good grades and study for make real my dream.

From the Obama's speech I love one sentence in special. This phrase is "No one's written your destiny for you" because I think the same no one think all the things like you, you have your ideas, your plans for the future and only you feel that inside you. Our destiny is our life and we write it in our soul sometimes we act right and sometimes bad and these are the things that we learn and for them we improve our life.
I want to struggle this year in all the things that I want to do. And I'm going to do it.

See you tomorrow Elisabeth
Have a good day.